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What is STEM education? Exploring critical and practical perspectives
With the recent endorsement of STEM education as part of the ‘National Innovation and Science Agenda’ by the Australian Government, the challenge facing educators is how to meaningfully embed STEM-related knowledge, skills and dispositions in all levels of schooling. There is therefore a need to clarify what contribution STEM can make to education, and how STEM can be meaningfully and practically translated into curriculum and pedagogy, particularly in primary and secondary schooling.
Educators and researchers are becoming increasingly interested in investigating contexts that support students’ learning in STEM, and what teaching approaches are most conducive for developing investigative, design and reasoning skills. Such debate and consideration of the value of STEM in education acknowledges the diversity of approaches that are emerging.
The STEM Education Conference will provide a space for celebrating this diversity by:
- Unpacking the nature of and possibilities for STEM education for Australia and internationally
- Sharing best STEM education practices
- Promoting quality STEM education and cross curriculum links
- Exploring how STEM education can contribute to all young Australians becoming successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens
The Conference will include:
- Keynotes
- Invited Presentations
- Workshops and Round-tables
- Paper and Poster Presentations
- Trade Show
Key audiences:
- Early childhood, primary and secondary teachers
- Teachers of science, mathematics, engineering design and digital technology
- University educators from education, science, engineering, mathematics and digital technology
- STEM industry representatives
- STEM education bodies
- Local, national and international STEM Centres
Conference Convenor: Dr Linda Hobbs — l.hobbs@deakin.edu.au
Conference organiser: Marika Thomson — stemedco@deakin.edu.au, +61 3 5247 9360.
Download printable flyer (PDF 326KB)
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